Sunday, October 4, 2009 a social enterprise set up by a group of like minded individuals who came together to do their part for the less fortunate. Their cause was noble, but I never really felt much for it.. until recently. A myriad of disasters that struck our asian neighbors was relentless. Flood in the Philippines was followed by Typhoon Ketsana; the wrath of Typhoon Ketsana could be felt by cambodia and vietnam too, Taiwan's Typhoon Morakot, floods in China and earthquakes in Indonesia. I have become more sensitive to news like these. The long ingrained common singaporean apathy disease had put up a strong resistance, discouraging me from taking a more proactive role. But today, I am going to go and make a what I consider a sizeable donation to help the victims of natural diasters.

my first step towards gobal awareness and social responsibility.

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