Monday, October 26, 2009

13th Nov

Somehow every project I get myself involved in ends on this very day. Linear Systems Controller Design Project, Unsupervised Handwriting Recognition Project, Bayesian Pattern Recognition Project and Evolutionary Algorithm Optimization with Data Mining thesis and technical paper. Heh I apologize for all the big technical words, but I just like to use them to make what I do sounds more difficult than it actually is. On top of all these, I have a forex challenge on Saturday and exams round the corner. God. You know how when you are trying suck up a pearl when you are drinking bubble tea, only to find 2-3 of them being sucked in at the same time. All three of them try fruitlessly to squeeze into that small straw and you still continue to suck relentlessly. If you are mentally playing out this in your head and find yourself turning blue in the face. Yes something like that. That's what I should be feeling right now, but I just am not. Maybe it's becasue I have found a solution.

Anyone wants to work as my intern?

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