Monday, October 12, 2009

book out this weekend

A friend asked me over lunch today,"What did you do over the weekends?" I did not really have to search very hard for the answer. I did not really do anything productive over the weekends. I skipped past the fact that on Saturday, my friend and I wasted a whole afternoon looking for a pool house that no longer exist. All because I was adamant that there is a sleazy one in Lucky Plaza and it is still there. Apparently I was wrong. Or did I got confuse between Lucky Plaza and Fast East Shopping Center.However, one of the better thing that happened this weekend was.. I found time and a nice place to read. Valley Point shopping center. Has anyone heard about it? Exactly. You have not. Which is why the star bucks there has a hell lot of empty seats and no crowd at all. It was so peaceful there that 4hrs past in a blink of an eye. What book was I reading? The world is flat.

What more can i ask for. I all need is a good spot to read.

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