Saturday, October 23, 2010


i like to hang around crazy little people. Not so much so as to let their exuberance diffuse into me and let them infect me with their contagious energy; but rather watch them dance out a storm around me. Everyone gets tired eventually. Little children, however, are like slave drivers. They want to squeeze themselves dry of every single breathe and energy before they willingly let themselves succumb to fatigue, breathless. These kids around me are not much different.

I was at my favorite secluded coffee joint. Happy to have half the day to read, alone. I have a habit of rearranging my stuffs on the coffee table so that they exist in organized clutter around me. The most important item was placed closest to me, in this case, the chicken sandwich. The chuck of tender meat sandwiched between two oatmeal breads and topped by succulent tomatoes was the most delectable thing in the coffee joint right now (the cute lady staff was not around that day). Right then, I had a pseudo megalomania moment. As I eyed the savory chicken sandwich, a booming voice rocked the inner cranium of my head,"NOTHING IS GOING TO COME BETWEEN ME AND MY CHICKEN SANDWICH! HAHAHAHA!"

Then, a 6year old boy ran in front me and blocked me from my sandwich, spoiling my moment. To my surprise, he knelt down in front of me. Before I can say,"Erm boy, I'm not into this kind of things.", he stood up and ran away. His brother and him started running circles around me. I held my breath each time their small bodies zipped between me and the coffee table; unsure of when I should reach out to save my chicken sandwich. They danced and ran around the place engaging in melodramatic play fights. I watched them, amused by how much energy they can summon to indulge in mindless childish fun like these.

god.. i too must have been quite a handful when I was their age..

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