Wednesday, October 27, 2010

2 day MC

Fever. Throat swelling. Flu. Runny nose. Headache. Cough. Well this feels like a 6 hit combo. After my 2 interviews yesterday, I had to visit my general practitioner. Falling sick makes people weak, physically and mentally; as I seriously considered withdrawing from all my interviews this week. I was in a tie and in cold sweat as I carried myself to the clinic. It didn't helped that the nurses were giggling after they pulled out my medical records. I felt self conscious as I pondered if I had any embarrassing medical history recorded? The conversation with the doctor was interesting.

DOC: 'You have not visited the clinic for 5 years.'
ME: 'Too bad I have to break that record now right. I was overseas for 2 years.'
DOC: 'The remaining 3 years?'
ME: 'Probably not sick enough to come in for consultation.'
DOC: 'So you waited until your fever hit 39.7'
ME: '39.7!?!'
DOC: 'amazing you are still look alright'
ME: 'guess the mind can sometimes summon extra energy if it wants to'
DOC: 'Come back in on Thursday. Need to make sure you do not have dengue.'

I feel much better after the night's rest. Once I am well hydrated, I can do this one interview today.

good thing with a job at hand, there is no pressure to perform.

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