Friday, October 8, 2010


I have always used 80-20 as the general rule of the thumb to run my life. No point driving yourself to work at 100% when 80% efficiency is enough. 80-20 puts some moderation into my life. But never have I expect this rule to backfire on me in such an ironic manner.

Since morning, I was all psyched up for this online test. With enough practice, the Numerical reasoning and Logical reasoning assessments are pieces of cakes man. All the banks seem to tap from the same database so you can expect a few repeated questions. So when I as about to attempt the final logical reasoning assessment for the day.. this happened.I sat there in front my my laptop, channeling all my eye power towards the remaining 20%. Once this bar finished loading, it will be just logical reasoning questions. Its exacted what I am good at. I felt my breathing slowed to a regular pace; closed my eyes.

Focused. Once I opened my eyes, watch me go. So I did..

and I saw..
hmm crap. So much for psyching myself with such an fashionable way to start cracking at the questions.. its still loading. I twirled my thumbs, lazily staring at the 80% and waited patiently.

30mins later...
ergh.. has 80-20 become Nature's general rule too? Or has fate decided that loading the page up to 80% is good enough for me. dammit. An automated reply from their help desk advised 8 working hours for the problem to be fixed.

I guess my application shall stop here.

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