Saturday, September 19, 2009

the energy case

The case challenge wrapped up the two day energy summit. It's my first time participating in a case challenge, but I am glad to say that it turned out well above my expectations. The long hours we spent in the NUS computer center, the midnight Macdonalds\ Fong Seng suppers, the rehearsals and the typo errors in french, they all added to the fun of participating in the case challenge. I witnessed for myself the strength of my friends when it comes to the organization of the presentation slides. To me powerpoint slides presentation was no frills, clean, simple and without any animation. They showed my how to capture the audience attention with pictorial representation of ideas. Nickel. Thankfully, all our hard work paid off. We progressed to semi finals and then the finals.

The case challenge presentation itself, it was even more eye opening. For the same one case, I was shown how to approach the problem in 5 different ways. Each presentation carried with them their own style, their strengths and their weaknesses. Some had very presentors with a huge stage presence, some were ministerial style formal, some were aggressive, some were heavy on their situational analysis and some just blow you away with their super high tech and chic presentation. I was spell bound from the start till the end of the event, captivated by the presentation of each of the finalist. In the end, I have to say that the monetary bonus was incomparable to the learning experience which came with the participation in the case challenge. Just as important, we derived so much fun from it.

go google my full name + chevron.

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