Sunday, September 27, 2009


Again, I had to pushed a slightly crazy idea out of my head. For a while, I have been thinking if I should invest in a bicycle and cycle to school everyday. Since school is only 10km away and cycling to and fro definitely beats running to to and fro. Other than the money issue, I thought about whether I want to cycle in the peak hour traffic and whether I want to arrive in school sweaty. Nonetheless, the idea will be floated again when my euros get transferred into my local bank account. Yes, and then there is the issue of my missing euros.

For 3 months, I religiously checked my local
account to see if the funds has been transferred over from Europe. Not yet it seems. It has been 3 months since I closed by bank account in France, and I am still waiting. I shall send them another email before I call them. One thing I have learnt in during my two years in France is to take the slow administration in stride. Long slow stride. This delay in transfer isn't unexpected in a country that took 6 months to process and send me my residence permit. I had to renew my temporary residence permit once and walk around in Paris as an illegal immigrant for 1 week (cos I refuse to renew my residence permit for a second time and go back the week after to collect my 1 year residence permit). More correctly, my 1/2 year residence permit (they effected it from the moment I applied).

Email sent. Hopefully, this will be the last of the tangling tentacles to remind me of the laisse faire attitude which has plagued me during my 2 year sejour.

Bring back, oh bring back, bring back my money to me to me.

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