Tuesday, March 3, 2009

7 minutes

My most productive 7minutes during the 20min presentation. i know that there is no rhythm. Nobody expects a masterpiece in 7min anyway. No no kids. Blogging in class is wrong.

To the one who sat
beside me in class,
7 minutes

"I sat and sulked, my boredom grew.
Over my head, his words flew.
I looked at him as if I understood,
but really, i'm thinking 'bout red riding hood.

I dislike the lesson, but I'm attending.
Physically here, but my mind's not willing.
Three hours of Econometry is really testing.
God forbid, but my will is bending.

What I had thought to be an interesting lesson,
is filled with least square fit and linear regression.
Multi-co-linearity and standard deviation,
why did I subject myself to such mental degradation.

I want to dig a hole and bury my head.
Time is more well spent lying in bed.
I register nothing of the things he said.
The boring speech. He's such an old maid.

Worse, the presentation is in french.
didn't help that my dislike for it is deeply entrenched.
The presentation is slow and lacking in width,
making the snails look deadly and swift.

I'm already at the last stanza of my rant.
"Oh please stop!" No he can't!
I mused a little at my poetic flair,
reminding myself my judgment hadn't been all fair. "

-cj , spring 2009
seance 4 du cours d'Econometrie

in retrospect, what a crudely written poem. and happy belated birthday.

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