Monday, March 9, 2009


I had stayed up late waiting to make sure my friend get back home safe. You can't imagine the state of late night transport in Paris with only 20+ night bus routes serving the big city. Expecting arrival time at 230am, I had a long night ahead. Early sleepers like me have problems staying up late, so I went to cook myself a midnight snack and settle myself comfortably in bed to watch Slumdog Millionaire. Magical film. Like a modern day fairy tale, it told the stories of two childhood friends and their repeated separations and reunions. It gave me a general feel good feeling at the end. Good thing I had drawn my curtains, else people who looked into my room would be wondering who is the crazy drunk kid dancing in his room at 2am in morning. The show probably double the amount of optimism in me.

Earlier that day, I had spend the whole afternoon chatting on msn and emails (with some people who refused to log in to msn) Now my inbox and sent item show a whole page of Jac~. well done. It has been the longest I had been online since the new semester started. I caught up with the lives of my friends, trying to suck them dry of every detail of their life which I had missed out. A surprise. Today I renewed a connection; one that I thought has been lost.

"Bridges. Connecting people."-cj

I remembered our last spoken words were "We will still be friends."
I said it as a lie, but you said it as a promise. I'm ashamed.

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