Sunday, March 1, 2009


A friend S just finished "19 minutes' by Jodi Picoult. One things leads to another and we ended up talking about bullying in school and among siblings. I didn't really have much to offer as I was neither on the giving or receiving end of bullying when I was in school. Yes, I did made some one cry before. Ok maybe I did make some people cry. Those are isolated incidents not to be confused with bullying.

We talked about what went through the minds of the parents, the bully and the victim. How mos parents end up blaming themselves for the bullying. Parents asking themselves how did they raise such a screw up kid. Is bullying a way to cover up for some emotional inadequatecy? Then we strayed to other topics about how parents like to compare their children among each other. If any parent is reading this. In my opinion, this is really unhealthy. The younger siblings are not there to fill the shoes of the older silblings. I personally do not like to be compared with my siblings. Clearly, we are brought up the same way. But we went to different schools, chose different paths. In this case of nature vs nurture, the nature wins in my case.

My siblings and I went to different schools. I do say we all turned out rather decent and, in fact, good. (those who disagree that I am a good person. please scroll down to the picture at the end of the entry and see what I will do to you what you when I get back). We have very different motivations, different hobbies and very d
ifferent characters. So there is not really a direct basis for comparison. I was never the most hardworking and never the most polite one either. But some kids are simply defiant, this "cant-you-be-more-like-your-sister" strategy does not always works. The covesrsation went on about a lot more stuffs. But hell. I seldom about serious issues on msn.

Maybe msn is meant for serious talk. Being already in front of the computer will allow you to search for the opinions of others on the same issue on the internet. Non conversationlist, multi-taskers and scatter brains can copy and paste those lines directly into the conversation. Thus, allow them to keep up with the conversation with minimal effort. hahaha if you are reading this. no i was not doing tt last night. or at least tt will be the story i am sticking to.

"I will freaking bite off your head."-cj

yea. i will do just that. kidding.

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