Monday, February 16, 2009


A chronograph of our day's trip with my new camera. As summer approaches, the days gets longer and the sun rises earlier. Determined to get a sunrise shot of the Eiffet tower, we started out day early. We are out of the school just as the drunk friday night party group makes their way back.

"730am. waiting for the sun to rise."-cj

"830am. watching Paris wakes up."-cj

"930am. breakfast with a view at montmarte."-cj

"1000am. not letting pictorial chaos disturb her daily routine."-cj

"1030am. child unnoticed."-cj

"1032am. the 4.5km walk along st. martin canal."-cj

"1130am. amelie skipped a rock here."-cj

"1245pm. finding directions in a cemetery."-cj

"115pm. door to door visiting."-cj

"2pm. peering through a hole in the tinted windows."-cj

"230pm. noticing that we are all alone."-cj

"3pm. sitting quietly under watchful eyes."-cj

"330pm. every cemetery has cats."-cj

"4pm. la seine's lovers spot."-cj

"5pm. waiting for our fellow diners under our lady."-cj

"6pm. enjoying the myraid of dancing colours in the sky."-cj

"clouds. waltzing into the sunset."-cj

"7pm. wondering about the uses of dark alleys."-cj

"8pm. ending our day."-cj

paris has never been more beautiful.

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