Sunday, November 9, 2008

Of Science and Lisa.

By Toby Sterling, Associated Press

"AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) —The mysterious half-smile that has intrigued viewers of the Mona Lisa for centuries isn't really that difficult to interpret, Dutch researchers said Thursday.

She was smiling because she was happy —83 percent happy, to be exact, according to scientists from the University of Amsterdam.

The result showed the painting's famous subject was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry. She was less than 1 percent neutral, and not at all surprised. The software isn't designed to register subtle emotions. So it couldn't detect the hint of sexual suggestion or disdain many have read into Mona Lisa's eyes.

"It's always fun to apply technology to areas of public interest, and sometimes you can come up with results that are very illuminating,'' he said.

"It's hocus pocus, not serious science,'' Wayman said. "But it's good for a laugh, and it doesn't hurt anybody.""

i'm 26% happy, 13% sad, 2% amused and 69% neutral.


averii said...

Wah, after seeing that picture...

I'm gonna get nightmares...


cj said...
